Melissa + Kyle. Beloved.


"Beloved is a remembrance of what is most important, A CELEBRATION OF LOVE."

I am not really sure where to start.  There are so many things I want to get across about beloved sessions, yet I feel the images can only do it justice.  Especially since I am SO, so good with words ;).

But I'll give it a try.

Maybe because I have been married for 15 (?!?) years.  Maybe because I know how life can get in the way.  Or maybe because I know learning about love can be one of the hardest things.  Either way, getting through life together is just as important, if not more, that starting life together.

Let's be honest.  How many opportunities do we give ourselves to create moments that matter?  Moments that, as years pass, we can look back on while going through challenges and be reminded what we are capable of.  What we can overcome and get through together.  We need to give ourselves, our partners and our children these occasions to be reminded.

It's worth it.

I have an amazing opportunity for the first 5 couples that sign up for a beloved session.  If you think this is for you, I would love to hear from you.


MELISSA (check out her awesome work here) + KYLE.

Anniversary : October 13 (2007).

Hometown:  Stettler (grew up two blocks from each other and now live right in between).

Children:  2 boys.  3 + 17 months.

Why:  We had hoped to take some time out of our busy lives to celebrate the love we have for each other, our commitment to our family and our future. I think we succeeded.





Who wrote the rule that we only take photos together on our wedding day?

I think that should change.


Shannon + Claude.  Volume III. I seriously cannot wait for their wedding next year.  I have a feeling it's going to be kinda sorta amazing.