Name: Lyndsay Clarke
Age: 51
City: Red Deer County

Why did you join the project: I have been feeling so free and empowered since turning 50, something that a while ago I was dreading, and loved that this project celebrates and embraces the aging process, and the total acceptance of our stage of life.

How did you feel about your portrait session: I fricking loved very second!! I've never had professional photos done before and didn't know what to expect, but I was made to feel so at ease and comfortable, it was amazing!

How do you feel about this current chapter of your life: I am seriously feeling such a feeling of freedom.....freedom from worrying about other people's opinions, and freedom from worrying about how my wrinkles or stretch marks look, the life experience that I have under my belt now means I can focus on way more important things in life like family, friends and laughter instead of criticizing my own flaws.........I feel like I'm on a mission now to make the most of the rest of my life, and to do it with joy and celebration rather than fear of growing old.

What would you tell your younger self :No one else cares about your cellulite and stretch marks, so stop apologizing for them, focus on your health not looks and always say yes to last minute plans with great friends, the memories you've created from situations you didn't think you had time for have been some of the best times in your life!

Finish this sentence ... If I had to pick one word to describe how I try to live my life it would be.... ONE word?? Gah, do you know hard that is for me? one word would be "with integrity" and yep that's 2 - I know, I know.